High Voltage and Hellfire: Elemental Shaman/Destruction Warlock 2v2 by Superkaiju
Class: Shaman | Category: PvP | Server : US - Illidan ( Rampage )
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Superkaiju's Arena Team 1
Ev Gruko
Similar Setups
Wow, this got a ton of views in seconds, better then any of my older videos. honestly wasnt expecting this to be seen outside my circle of friends. Thanks everyone who watched, even those who hated it. and with that let me explain a few random things.

First off to explain something that urkes a lot of people, my little mage rogue rant. I'll admit it was a little out of left field and all that jazz, and wasnt needed. But, i'm not taking what i said back. Its a very skill-less comp. Anyone with half a brain and little understanding of the classes and do decient with it. the spammable CCs help and the insane pressure you can put out without actually casting is extremely nice. Theres a reason its a highly played Comp. Its extremely strong, and when it comes down to it, requires less skill to play. a skilled mage rogue is a dangerous team, a average one is still hard, but not beatable. Sorry if it offends you that i said this comp isnt hard to play, but i stand by it. I've done it, it wasnt all that hard. Plus, it was a in joke between me and Ev, who i was talking to as i was making this video. we honestly hate Mage rogues, it the team thats our 100% counter comp, rest is like 99% or so heh. Plus i hadnt slept in 24 hrs or so, so it seemed funny to me. And the video was originally ment to be a actual 'how to' on the comp and all that, but lack of any real footage and the fact i dont play much anymore, just made me use the footage anyways but decided to through in that final clip as a joke.

Second, regarding myself and my warlock friend.

I've never said i was skilled, or any good. This was made to entertain myself, and my friends and maybe a few others, like i said, wasnt expecting close to 8k views lol. but to say something to a few things people have commented.
1. We arent 'PVE Champs'. like i stated in the begining, though kinda unclearly (sorry, i was tired when i recorded that, was awake for around 24 hrs) these clips are old. they're from the mid of whatever season relentless is. if you notice we're using the weapons and off hands which cant be bought with badges, and to inflate our egos abit, those arent the 1800 weapons either, they're the 2.2k mageblade ones, which we aquired with our 5s team.
2. Ev does carry me, i'll be the first to admit that. Hes honestly the best warlock i know, and one of the best in the world imo, which sadly goes unknown cause he doesnt play often or cares about trying to be the 'drakedog' of our battlegroup or wahtever. (he hates DD btw heh). If you happened across one of my older films, i was never that geared till he finally said to me 'alright, time to get you a better weapon and shield' through him is also how i joined said 5s team which got me where i am today. so yes, Ev is awesome amazing and full of win. sadly though, because im dumb with recording, i dont have all the times though i've saved and carried him. it happens.
3. this one is my fav to see, that this comp, my class, is OP and faceroll. to which i honsetly have 1 thing to say. Play it. i dare you. You'll see that is far harder then what you think. Yes, we do insanely stupid damage, and yes, we can kill a person in mere seconds if they let us. Does it happen often...no. smart teams will not let us do those things by using thier own abilities. plus the lack of real CCs makes it even harder. Fear was one, which wasnt enough for us which is why Ev used a succy. Hex isnt that great, but usable on soemone who did trinket. other then that, we dont have much to lock down 1 person while destroying the other (see mage rogue...thats one of the reason i say your set up is easy). also many healers can out heal our damage if thier quick and thier partner is smart. Every comp is a counter to ours when it comes down to it, and its mostly cause of me. Shamans are the red headed step child of wow atm, and all elemental has is its insane damage. other classes can do the same amount of damage in the same amount of time, just not as frenquiently. infact, the only true set up that is easy for us to combat is Holy Paladin and Warrior, and even that becomes rediculously difficult is the paladin is smart and the warrior can even just use spell reflect. doesnt even have to use it well, just knows how to use it. so again, try it out. go to the PTR, the tourny realm, or hell, level said classes if you have no life and bored. give it a shot. its a fun step up when you blow people to bits in seconds, but smart teams are your bain and extremely diffcult requiring you to think, not 'faceroll'.

I think thats everything i felt i should address. Enjoy!
*end of edit*

Some old footage i found on my External Harddrive of me and my 2s partner Ev doing some 2s back in Season 8...i think, whatever the relentless season was. Figured might as well do somethign with it and thus this is born. its sorta rushed but i did put some tender love into it. As title says, its a Elemental Shaman and Destruction Warlock video, not the cheap ass resto shaman affliction lock faceroll set up. Also, the footage is a bit random, i dont recall ever recording any of this so watchign it myself was interesting. Because of this you wont be seeing all the comps in 2s, sadly. it does feature some lock/healer and a few Rogue/Mage. No warrior/healer or dk/healer, sorry.

Just a simple little movie showcasing a rare comp. Seriously, we never ran into this set up, and the only one we knew in exsistance was one in Europe. no we didnt copy them we just found them on warcraft movies lol. Hope you Enjoy this little flick and perhaps give the set up a try. its countered all to hell but with a little skill and luck its a ton of fun. though with us at least, our cap was at 2200ish team rating/MMR. we'd flux between 2000 and 2200.

Also warning to any Mage or Rogues who play the mage rogue set up...i hate you. and thus there is a odd little exhaustion fueled rant at the end.

Thanks for watching!
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