Nagrand Griefers 2100+ Rogue/Mage 2v2 by Roundhead
Class: Rogue | Category: PvP | Server : US - Cho'gall ( Rampage )
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Movie Summary
Nagrand Griefers

All footage taken at 2100+ Rampage BG

Server: Cho'gall
Guild: Park Balance


Weapons of Mass Distortion - The Crystal Method
The Outsider - A Perfect Circle
Hysteria - Muse
Blow Me Away - Breaking Benjamin
Move Your Feet - Junior Senior

Nagrand Griefers started when Obs and I decided to team up and do 2s. The 'place to queue' for horde was at the arena in nagrand, and because the queues got to be so long, we'd spend the interim between games going around griefing alliance. After a bit, we decided to add Horde to the list of possible gankees as well, as it's much more satisfying to kill someone of your own faction >=)

So we reformed the team and named it Nagrand Griefers. We have a lot of footage of us killing people, but in order to keep the movie at a reasonable length, we decided to just include a couple instances.

Obs plays imp. CS 17/0/44, while I play Ass/Sub Shadowstep 20/0/41. For those interested, I use some PVE gear, running at around 180 resil.

I chose the music based on what Obs and I like to listen to, and how we felt it would help the movie. I think the music is good, but if you dislike it please play your own =)

I won't say this isn't a skill video, because when we set out to make this we only wanted to include good fights. Fights where it's not clear who's gonna win the whole time, where it puts you on the edge of your seat a little.

This movie is from both Obs and my perspective, which I think will make it a lot more interesting to watch. There are a lot of little things that are easy to miss, but with the dual perspective, it should give you a pretty good view of the fight.

The Park Balance stream is Stage6 quality, I would recommend that if you don't wanna download it.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy Park Balance's presentation of Nagrand Griefers!

P.S. We really hate Warlock/Druid...

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