Escape from Orgrimmar TR2 by Myndflame
Class: Unknown | Category: Machinima | Server : US - Mannoroth ( Ruin )
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With all the delays and other projects that have come between "Escape From Orgrimmar", our team is excited to finally announce the official release date for the sequel to our signature series, "Illegal Danish". This is an uncut scene from the movie scheduled to premiere on the day of Blizzcon August 3rd, 2007.

This will be the last video we release prior to "Escape from Orgrimmar". Many of you have been very patient, and this should end any skepticism that we've dropped the project.

This video marks our 4th consecutive monthly release, and out team will be focusing entirely on IDEFO for the next several months.

Not only are we releasing IDEFO, but you'll soon find out that Episode 3 is already scheduled. Our plan is to focus more around our signature series now that we've had a chance to really organize our team and streamline our projects. Thanks to our community and sponsors for your support! We'll see you August 3rd!.
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