Pheq Vol. 1 by Pheq
Class: Rogue | Category: PvP | Server : US - Illidan ( Rampage )
3.18 /5 154 ? ? 645 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Sometime around the beginning of the last TR I started collecting clips for a PvP video I wanted to release. And after completion of the video I was unhappy with it mostly because a lot of the clips would not render smoothly enough to be as enjoyable as I hoped. As for the quality of the opponents a few of them are 2600+ players, and many are just anonymous people from the TR who played decent enough to include.. mostly, in my opinion, it's not an entirely skill-less video.

So anyways I kept the video render and started working on a second project but never finished that one either, although maybe I will make a composite of that one and some more clips another time.

For now I figured I'd release this one for entertainment, but like I said it didn't render very well so it's kind of choppy at some points and because of that, difficult to fully enjoy. The second project turned out much nicer and maybe I'll put out a preview of it if I'm inspired enough to try to complete it.

Thanks, enjoy, I'll take criticism but keep the negative comments to a minimum because I mostly don't care to take it as seriously.

Also, this is Rogue PoV, which was/is my main class but I hardly play as much any more. The 2nd project is a combination of Rogue/Druid/Priest/Warrior/Shaman PoV's and I mostly play Priest/Shaman now... so if I do release the 2nd video, there's no promise that it will be so much about rogue.


For clarification; because I know people care... (some things that were not explained well enough in the video):

0:26-0:32 Zoom in vs double make was a target kick + focus blind to prevent double poly cast on me so they couldn't reset and 2v1 after hunter died.

3:20-3:42 The RMP vs MLS zoom-ins were to show lock trinket then a setup on the lock where our mage landed a poly with both CS's down on the on the use of tremor totem.

8:10-8:21 Rogue Hunter vs Rogue Priest (which btw was from maybe 2 days of playing that comp and my friend on the hunter had just leveled his and barely had experience playing it) zoom in on priest was to show trap -> dance double sap -> silencing shot, which was just barely enough time to kill the rogue.

For those of you trying to state something obvious about why the video is the way it is... the clips recorded and played fine on my PC at the time, either caught with fraps or xfire. I used nolan's rendering tutorial to try to render it, I had issues with codecs and windows XP after SEVERAL render attempts there were still issues with it coming out smoothly. I made a switch to windows 7 and had a few upgrades since then, but that was months ago.. so I trashed all my old clips but kept a few rendered things, this included. I'm sorry the quality makes it difficult to enjoy but thats why I said that in the description to begin with, so bear with that fact before you flood the comments with the same obvious comments already explained.
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