Sons of Thrall guild promo by Urvine Spiegel
Class: Multiple | Category: Guild Promotion | Server : US - Twisting Nether ( Shadowburn )
4.42 /5 3 ? ? 94 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
My second movie, its a promo for my guild "Sons of Thrall" my character is Urvine. its an rp guild tho the promo doesn't show much rp. later i plan to make a new movie with a full storyline. there are many more guild members than the movie shows, those were just some of the main members. the server we play on is twisting nether. and we are recruiting active horde side players. we look for a casual rp, pvp,pve combo but have no focus in any. we do have events both rp and pvp..
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Views: 17,136
Daily Views: 2
Rating: 4.42 / 5
Category Rank: 319

Author Information

Urvine Spiegel
WCM Fame: 53
Rank: 390 (of 510,000 )
Movies Released: 4
Total Views: 72,536
Zygor Guides

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