Greatest Twink Vid TWO Teaser by fony
Class: Multiple | Category: PvP | Server : US - Daggerspine ( Cyclone )
4.63 /5 37 ? ? 55 MB Correct Share
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Another update..

Official Release date 11/17-18 (depending on the approval speed of

I am also reuploading a much clearer version of the first Fony PvP video as well, and I will relink it in the next video's description this friday.


Thanks for the rapidshare link Nguyen!
Fony is back, this time I'm introducing some new members of the "twink" family.. a 29 Warior and a 19 Mage..

This video will be more PvP oriented but will also retain its sense of humor, of course ;)

Also the quality is a million times better, although the teaser is still mildly compressed for quick downloading.

Expect to see it out early december!
(Hopefully before TBC!)

The song is Pendulum's "Hold Your Colour"

Here's the first Fony PvP video

And of course the infamous "19 Owns Epic Pally" Video.
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