Crusader Sev7n Act IV - A Bard's Tale by Crusader Sev7n
Class: Paladin | Category: PvP | Server : US - Emerald Dream ( Shadowburn )
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Movie Summary
Full length WoD ret paladin World PvP movie, tied together with a machinima story arc based in none other than, Emerald Dream US!

As we sit through the terrible content drought that is the end of WoD, it's up to us, the players, to create our own fun as we wait anxiously for the promise of shiny new content and nerfed mages in Legion. The following footage is my attempt at keeping both my subscription, and my sanity intact, and serves as a nice little window into the current state of the game that I can watch with nostalgia years from now.

WARNING: This video is meant to entertain. If the words, "Legendary ring" or "Aviana's Feather" leave you foaming at the mouth with rage, this video may not be for you. However, if you wanna know how to kill 40 players by yourself and escape without a scratch, or be dazzled by flashy acrobatic fights in the sky, then I hope you enjoy the show :)

What can you expect to see?
World PvP
1 vs X fights
Crit porn
Engineering + toys
Goofing off
Dank memes
Star Wars references
Wipe transitions
WoD PvP... I know, I know, but lets try to make it work :)

PredatorFrames WPvP Player Frames
Plate Buffs
Power Auras
Tidy Plates

Music listed in order of appearance in the end credits.
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Zygor Guides

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Views: 161,122
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Rating: 4.95 / 5
Category Rank: 1290
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