Tarou's Weekly WoW Report Episode 14 | Patch 3.3.5 - 7/25 World of Warcraft! by tarouwowguides.com
Class: Druid | Category: Other | Server : US - Arthas ( Ruin )
4.94 /5 17 ? ? 67 MB Correct Share
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Tarou's Weekly WoW Report Episode 14 - July 25th!

Tarou's Weekly WoW Report is a new World of Warcraft series released every Sunday detailing that week and future week's professions, gameplay, blue posts, and Blizzard news.

This week's WoW report highlights some of the recent PvE changes with the new ICC 30% buff, Cataclysm updates, Cataclysm screenshots of some really awesome new zones and instances, Ghostcrawler feedback, and a Q&A session. Another wave of Cataclysm Beta invites went out last week so be sure to check your Battle.net account to see if you were invited. Do be careful of fake emails as there are tons going around right now. Always check your Battle.net account and never click on a link in an email. This week's WoW Report is packed with a lot of info, links, and screenshots so be sure to read below the video on my website's blog, http://www.tarouwowguides.com/blog . Please enjoy this Tarou Weekly WoW Report and if you have any questions or feedback, feel free to post them below in the comment section.

Special thanks to all my friends, subscribers, Adobe, Blizzard, Fraps, and anyone I left out (^_^)v.

"Now go . . . tell me what you think of anything featured in this week's Tarou's Weekly WoW Report in the comment section!"

Personally, I'm excited to be releasing my one year anniversary video.

Guild: Impervious - http://impervious-mg.wowstead.com/

Server: Arthas/Moon Guard - US

AH Addons: Auctioneer, QA3, Postal
Addons: DBM, Recount

Copyright 2010 � Tarou's WoW Guides
World of Warcraft� and Blizzard Entertainment�

Song: Pilot Error
Music by: http://incompetech.com/
� 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod
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