25 Heroic Professor Putricide 25 by Immersion @ EU-Auchindoun by Praanz
Class: Mage | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Auchindoun ( Vindication )
4.43 /5 11 ? ? 125 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
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Our first kill of Professor on heroic.

The kill is with the buff, admittingly it's more a proper phase transit and P3 that makes or breaks this fight.

About choosing Fire:

Normally I play Arcane, but on some fights I play Fire.

The reason I'm playing fire on Putricide is simple, the fight is all about phase 3. Fire has Molten Fury and increased damage in the -35% region of the fight. It's also the spec that suffers the least from moving and since P3 is the phase where we move the most it's again +1 point for choosing fire.

Here's the fight but only phase 3 chosen - me and Avely is Fire.


My result would have been better if I hadn't have to evocate because I died and wearing out the plague in the end with iceblock.
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