Utopy vs Halfus Wyrmbreaker 25 Heroic Resto Druid by Yrann
Class: Druid | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Cho'gall ( Cataclysme )
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I'm really pleased with this, 4 hours rendering but worth it, colours are better, quality higher in .mp4. Anyway, farm status kill, one or two deaths but we're not likely to wipe just for the guy filming are we?:p Just before the pull I had a shaman added to my group and forgot to switch over my /use spirit trinket macro to line up with mana tide, so mana efficiency wasn't perfect, and ran low at the end.

Log of the kill: http://worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-9xf8bnsktuq4vkje/sum/healingDone/?s=1624&e=1984
According to woL I averaged 16.1k hps this time. (check out the 442k dps fire mage t_t)

Eluveitie - Tegernak�
Free' Land - Big Wednesday (Animatrix OST)

www.utopy.net (recrutement ouvert!)
Cho'gall EU
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